Tax Planning & Advice

Tax Planning & Advice

Tax is a complex area, subject to continually changing legislation. From compliance to complex tax planning, our approachable team offer clear advice, meets tax deadlines efficiently, minimises tax and protects wealth.

Knowledge, experience and relevant expertise, alongside fixed fees, agreed in advance. Our tax planning service links nicely with accounts, audit and exit planning.

Corporate Tax

Corporation Tax can represent a substantial amount of your trading costs. As specialist tax advisors, we offer a range of services to help minimise your corporate tax exposure and to relieve the administrative burden.

Personal Tax

Personal tax can be very complex and overwhelming. Our dedicated tax team deliver tailored advice to individuals and their families. Offering simplified solutions to ensure tax liabilities are mitigated.

Capital Gains

Careful Planning in this area by a knowledgeable team is essential to minimise your liability. Chandler & Partners can advise on the best solutions to manage your assets.

Inheritance Tax

IHT can often catch people out and give rise to unexpected liabilities. Our expert tax planners will provide advice on minimising the impact of potential inheritance tax liabilities.


Whether you are restructuring as a group or acquiring a new business, our experienced client managers can offer practical solutions. Regardless of the complexity of the situation, we ensure that any change in structure is reflected in accounting and taxation.

Confirmed in a detailed report with practical advice on how to recover all your lost revenue and profits by dealing with the root causes.

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Auto-enrolment will undoubtedly create extra administrative and compliance burdens on employers. At Chandler & Partners, we offer a complete service to aid and advise businesses to fulfil their employer duties. We can help with the initial set-up and the ongoing administration.

Knowledge, experience and payroll expertise, alongside fixed fees, agreed in advance.

VAT Advice

With frequent changes in regulations, VAT is a complex area. GJA ensure that you do not pay more than is necessary. Comprehensive service includes; VAT registration, VAT planning, Control and reconciliation, VAT returns and negotiations with HMRC.


Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme. A new tax-efficient venture capital scheme, to encourage the raising of equity finance in small start-up companies. A range of tax reliefs is available to those investing in qualifying companies, up to 50 in some cases. Our team are experienced and knowledgeable in advising on the schemes available.

R&D Claims

Research and development tax credits for small and medium enterprises were introduced to support innovative activity in the UK. Many companies benefit from substantial tax refunds as a result of this scheme. Chandler & Partners can advise companies on how to take advantage of this opportunity.

EMI Schemes

Enterprise Management Incentive Schemes can be put in place to reward employees (in a tax-efficient manner), with share options. The Chandler & Partners team have experience and understanding of the schemes available, can agree to share valuations with HMRC, execute the necessary documentation and liaise with HMRC regarding the options and reporting.

Trust Planning

Chandler & Partners can offer a full review of the tax planning opportunities available through the use of trusts. We can advise on setting up new trusts and help execute and review any legal documents. As tax specialists, we will provide the necessary tools to all beneficiaries and trustees.

Here's what our clients have to say...

“The best business partner you ask for, Chandler & Partners has enabled us to grow with confidence.”

Xav Baker - Co Founder & Managing Director, Isle Of Wight Distillery Limited

“Damien has great knowledge of the  industry and has helped us open a new restaurant, his monthly reports enable us to run our business successfully with no surprises.”

Tom - Founder & Managing Director, Truffle Brother London Limited

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